Sunday, July 21, 2013

4S4SBS (p.360) #1-8 and 4SBS (p.361) #14-20


4SBS #1-8
1. The frequency of electromagnetic radiation and its energy are proportional; high frequency radiation is also high- energy radiation.

2. The word spectrum is a good descriptor of the types of energy found in electromagnetic radiation because the spectrum shows the range of energy from high to low.

3. Visible light is useful in plant photosynthesis, while other forms of electromagnetic radiation are not because visible radiation can energize electrons in chemical bonds, which provides energy needed for photosynthesis to occur.

4. a. The main types of electromagnetic radiation in order of increasing energy: inferred radiation, visible radiation, and ultraviolet radiation.
    b. Inferred radiation affects living things because it is basically heat radiation, which causes the surface and temperature to be warmer. Visible radiation affects living things by having an impact on photosynthesis. It has an impact on photosynthesis because it can energize electrons in some chemical bonds. And ultraviolet radiation affects living things because it causes sunburns, which leads to skin cancer, and kills and destroys bacteria and viruses. Even though ultraviolet radiation causes this, it is necessary by humans in moderate doses to provide vitamin D.

5. Ultraviolet light is often used to sterilize chemistry laboratory protective goggles and not visible light because ultraviolet light (UV-C radiation) is the most energetic and can kill bacteria and destroy viruses. This is because UV-C photons have enough energy to break covalent bonds, which causes chemical changes to occur in materials exposed to radiation.

6. Infrared radiation are absorbed by two greenhouse natural gases, carbon dioxide and water vapor, that redirect the energy back into earth. For visible radiation, on a clear day 90% of the visible region of solar radiation directed toward Earth travels down to Earth. Of ultraviolet radiation, UV-C radiation is absorbed in the stratosphere before reaching earth's surface and most UV-A and UV-B radiation us absorbed by the stratospheric ozone layer, and does not reach the earth's surface.

7. Two main effects of solar radiation that reached Earth's surface are more water vapor and hotter water, which results in a hotter Earth in all. This is caused when more greenhouse gases are produced, like carbon dioxide and water vapor, more infrared radiation is absorbed. This then causes more energy  to be reradiated on earth's surface.

8. a. Lake water reflects light, as well as absorbing and storing heat. Asphalt, like snow, sand, or concrete, warms up when exposed to sunlight; therefore, heating. This is because when solar radiation strikes these materials, it is reflected and illuminated back into space.

4SBS #14-20
14. Atmospheric CO2 and water vapor help maintain moderate temperatures because they both greenhouse gases, which means they would absorb infrared radiation, which would help maintain temperature.

15. a. Increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere:
          Natural process: human breathing and bacterial decay
          Human process: agricultural and industrial process and the burning of fossil fuels
      b. Increase the amount of CH4 in the atmosphere:
          Natural process: decomposition product of plant and animals
          Human process: refining fossil fuels and raising livestock

16. The changes in the composition of the atmosphere that would cause the average surface temperature to increase would be an increase in greenhouse/ atmospheric gases, which causes higher pressure. What would cause the average surface temperature to decrease would be the decrease of greenhouse/atmospheric gases, which causes lower pressure.

17. A green house with transparent glass walls is much warmer than a structure with opaque wooden walls because the inflered light cant escape glass. It is basically how greenhouse gases work because they change UV and visible radiation to infrared radiation in clouds and reflects heat energy within Earth.

18. a. How the greenhouse works

      b. The global greenhouse effect works

19. Three chemical reservoirs of carbon atoms are atmospheric CO2 gas, solid calcium carbonate in limestone, natural gas, and organic molecules.

20. Carbon atoms could be part of the atmosphere as a gas due to photosynthesis. They could be part of the lithosphere due to plant or animal decay. Or they could be part of the hydrosphere as limestone.

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