Tuesday, June 18, 2013

1SAS (p.23) #3, 4, 5, 6, 7


   a.  Manufacture of the filter paper is an indirect water use because you had to water the tree that the    paper came from, you didn’t directly use the water in the machine    
   b. Premoistening of the sand and gravel are direct water uses because you have to use water from the sink as a the source for wetting the particles 
   c.  The use of water to cool the distillation apparatus is a direct water use because you use water from the sink to cool the substance.

4. To purify water means to remove as much of the solid particle from liquid and putting the liquid through various steps of filtration that at some point the water can be used to wash your hands or brush your teeth.

5. Three techniques for purifying water are oil- water separation, sand filtration, and charcoal adsorption and filtration.

6. What was removed from the foul- water sample in each step was in the oil- water separation; oil was removed from the sample. In the sand filtration process, solid particles were removed from the sample. And from the charcoal and filtration process, other dissolved particles were removed from the sample giving it a clear look.

   a. The procedure used in the foul-water laboratory investigation could not convert seawater suitable for drinking because salt particles are so small that when they are mixed with water, the salt dissolves in the water.

   b. The additional purification steps needed to make seawater suitable for drinking would be to heat the substance allowing the water to evaporate, leaving only the salt.

A.8 (p.22) #1-4

1. Three water uses that I could do without are washing cars, washing clothes, and washing pets.

2. One activity that I could not do without would be washing my hair/hands.

3. The tasks I could reduce my water use is by taking shorter showers and baths. And by washing my hands for a shorter amount of time.

   a. The activities that I could use such impure water are when I am washing my parents car, washing the windows, or watering indoor or outdoor plants.

   b. The prior uses this water can be taken would be from washing your teeth and  hands.

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