Wednesday, June 19, 2013

ISBS (p.50) #1-12


1. A physical property is a property that can be observed and measured without changing the chemical makeup of the substance.

2. Three physical properties of water are density, freezing point, and boiling point.

3. The density of solid water compares to the density of liquid water because liquid water has a higher density then solid water.

4. A setting where I might observe water as a solid, a liquid, and a gas all at the same time would be if i was in Lake Tahoe. Because the lake would demonstrate water as a liquid, the mountain with snow would demonstrate water as a solid, and when the sun hits the snow it causes the ice to turn into water vapor, and therefore a gas.

5. Heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that isn's the same throughout. For example, foul water because the coffee grounds sink to the bottom and are not distributed evenly throughout the liquid. Homogeneous mixtures are the same through out. For example, salt water because the salt particles become uniformly mingled with the particles of water.

6. I need to know the density to know if either gasoline or water will be on top.

7. A. colloid
    B. colloid
    C. solution
    D. solution
    E. suspension
    F. colloid

8. The air in the room demonstrates a colloid effect because it is demonstrating a Tyndall effect , which is when a scattering of light can pass through a clear object.


10. The red liquid material is a colloid because in a long period of time no particles settled to the bottom. If the liquid was a solution, then the particles would have settled to the bottom over a period of time. And if the liquid was a suspension then there would have been large particle, and those would have for sure sunk to the bottom over a period of time. So, therefore, the liquid has to be a colloid.

11. A "substance" is an element or a compound. It is a material with a uniform, definiate composition, and distinct properties. Two examples of a substance are salt and water.

12. A. compound
      B. element
      C. compound
      D. element
      E. compound
      F. compound

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