Monday, July 8, 2013

2SAS (p.130) #1-12


1. a. physical property
    b. chemical property
    c. chemical property
    d. physical property

2. a. physical property
    b. physical property
    c. physical property
    d. chemical property

3. a. chemical change
    b. chemical change
    c. chemical change
    d. physical change

4. a. chemical change
    b. chemical change
    c. physical change
    d. physical change

   4a. is a chemical change because the apple that was left out turned brown, and is therefore perminatly changed.
   4b. is a chemical change because a flashlight batteries contains electricity, and when the battery looses it's charge it looses energy and can not function anymore.
   4c. is a physical change because the clothing stays the same. The oil are removed from the clothes, but the clothes still has the same appearance.
   4d. is a physical change because nothing was added to the salad dressing. Just over time the salad dressing separates, but it is still the same material when you shake the bottle.

   a. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl; including milk, eggs, sugar, flour, and chocolate chips. Then in small amounts, but the cookie batter on the baking sheet, and then place the sheet in the oven. When the cookies are golden, remove the it from the oven, and let them cool.
   b. Mixing all the ingredients together is a physical change because the material stays the same, it is just all mixed together. Placing the cookies on the baking sheet is a physical change because it is the same material, just a different shape. Baking the cookies in the oven is a chemical change because the cookies will permanently be made into a solid. Taking the cookies out of the oven is a physical change because the cookies aren't changing, they are just turning from hot to room temperature.

7. a. metal
    b. nonmetal
    c. nonmetal
    d. metal

  a. tungsten: metal
  b. antimony: metalloid
  c. krypton: nonmetal
  d. sodium: metal

9. Two elements that are metalloids are: silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge)

   a. iodine is a nonmetal so it would shatter.
   b. zirconium is a metal so it would flatten, but not shatter.
   c. phosphorus is a nonmetal so it would shatter.
   d. nickel is a metal so it would flatten, but not shatter.

11. The two properties that make nonmetals unsuitable for electric wiring are one they easily break because they are brittle, and two they cant even conduct electricity so they wouldn't be able to transmit electricity.

12. The three properties that make metals suitable for use in coins are they are shinny (luster), they are malleable, meaning they can be be engraved with any symbol and not break, and they aren't brittle like nonmetals, so they don't shatter.

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