Thursday, July 25, 2013


1. This summer was a great success. I think it is mostly because of the concept of "students teaching students."I think this worked because classmates put concepts in their words which helps me.

2. The suggestions I have for tweaking or changing the course are having less lab reports because as much as much as they help enforce a concept, it doesn't really help when we don't understand what we need to do for the lab, which adds confusion to the concept.

3. Another way to enforce science understanding and presentations may be to assign a night where we watch some documentary on Tv and right like a couple of sentences to what we learned and it's significance. Since everyone loves watching Tv, it would be a good way to learn about a concept by doing something we enjoy.

4. I think the blogs are good the way they are. They keep all of our work neat by having different tabs, and its always accessible.

5.Yes, the instructor should check homework on the blogs because it forces the students to actually read the homework assignment, which will help us do better on quizzes and tests.

6. A more creative way to enforce Chemistry consists of doing more projects than tests. This is because some students may be bad test takers, which is a disadvantage to these students. However, I think that tests force us to study and understand what we are learning.

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