Monday, July 22, 2013

Lab Report: Striking it Rich

Striking it Rich
Charlie, Georgie, Ben
Dr. Forman

Lab Questions:
1. b. Yes, the treated coins appear to be composed of metals other than copper because it turned silver. This silver proves that there is the appearance of zinc in the penny as well.

2. I would decide the claim (that precious metals was produced from this investigation) would be incorrect. Because pennies are composed of zinc and copper These two metals could not react to make a precious metal, but instead they will combine together to form an alloy.

3. Two practical uses for metallic changes similar to those we observed in this investigation is that because alloys were formed, this caused a stronger metal to be formed from less strong elements that composed them. These alloys can then be used for everyday uses.

4. a. The penny that was only placed in the bubbling zinc chloride solution formed a less combined alloy of copper and zinc. However, the penny that was placed both in the bubbling zinc chloride solution and directly placed on the hot plate was formed a more combined alloy of copper and zinc. In all, the atoms formed different reactions depending on the procedure they endured.
   b.  Yes, the treated pennies could be converted back to its original coin by adding hydrochloric acid to the treated pennies.

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